Sunday, December 19, 2010

Book to Screen 1: Some Basic To-Haves & To-Dos

Becoming a Lifelong Learner of the Craft of Writing

By author, editor, educator Shonell Bacon aka ChickLitGurrl™

The Write Life for You is a series of articles on the writing craft. Past articles have focused on building character, developing a solid plot, and editing a screenplay.

In the last article of 2010, I kickstart a new series on turning your book into a screenplay. I know there are many of you out there who have written books that you see across your mind's screen and you know, just know that it would make for a great movie. Well, this 5-part series will offer information and advice for you to roll up your sleeves and transform that book into a screenplay.

Head to APOOO Bookclub to read my latest article in The Write Life for You series, "Book to Screen 1: Some Basic To-Haves & To-Dos"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm hosting a book giveaway on my blog,, and thought you might be interested! Check it out!