After spending too many years to count in the high stress business world, Jaci's thrilled to be living her dream of writing passionate romance. Now she gets to write in her pajamas while surrounded by yipping little dogs that she adores but drive her crazy. She'd like to say she leads a glamorous life, but it's all too normal. She still does laundry, dishes and feeds her family, but wouldn't have it any other way - okay, admittedly, servants would be nice...hehehe
She lives in Oklahoma with her husband, Charlie, who inspires her to create stories about sexy, stubborn alpha males who don't always do what the heroine wants them to. She has a teenaged stepdaughter who is her shopping buddy extraordinaire, and two grown sons who live on the west coast that she misses terribly but fortunately gets to see when time and air travel permits.
She is a multi published author who writes in many genres. She writes for Bantam Dell, Berkley, Ellora's Cave and Samhain Publishing. She has been fortunate to win several awards, including the Romantic Times BookReview Magazine's Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Erotic Paranormal.
She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Futuristic, Fantasy and Paranormal's RWA Chapter, Passionate Ink and Romance Writer's Ink. For more information on Jaci, visit www.jaciburton.com.

Your latest novel is RIDING WILD; what can you tell us in 50 words OR LESS that will make us NEED to read this book?
RIDING WILD is an action adventure erotic romance about two people who knew each other when they were younger, fell in love, but broke up. Now they've reunited under the most dangerous of circumstances, and the sparks really fly...as do the bullets.
What three adjectives would you use to describe RIDING WILD?
Suspenseful, steamy and emotional.
What three music tracks would set the mood to read RIDING WILD?
Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf, Sorry by Buckcherry and Far Away by Nickelback
You write paranormal action/adventure, erotic romance, and romance - why do you think these genres appeal to you so much?
I love paranormal, sinking into a world I've built from the ground up. But after writing a paranormal, I like to cleanse my genre palate, so to speak, by moving into the reality of contemporary. All my books are pretty steamy, so writing my erotic romance just notches up the heat factor a bit.
What's your favorite thing about RIDING WILD?
My husband owns a Harley and we ride a lot, so I had an idea to create a new suspense series about undercover government agents who happened to be bike riders. It's been fun immersing myself in the biker culture, adding in a touch of suspense, lots of action and of course, hot guys, hot Harleys and the hot women who ride with them.
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