Margaret Daley is an award winning author for Steeple Hill Love Inspired, inspirational romances. She has sold more than sixty books.
You have 50 words or less to make readers want to buy your latest novel: FAMILY EVER AFTER. Go!
Three foster kids turn Noah Maxwell’s life upside down. The successful businessman knew nothing about children, so he hired single mom Cara Winters to help care for his new brood. Cara sensed that despite Noah’s confident façade, old wounds troubled him. She wanted to help him heal, but would he accept her help?
What was the initial spark that brought FAMILY EVER AFTER into being?
It started with a concept I had for a series about foster children and parents. I taught school for twenty-seven years and saw many situations where children were hurting because of their home life. I wanted to explore various situations children find themselves in. The first book was out in 2007 called ONCE UPON A FAMILY and the second one was out in December 2007 called HEART OF THE FAMILY. The series centers around three foster brothers who remained close after they left their foster home. They start the Henderson Project to help foster children. The fourth book, SECOND CHANCE FAMILY, will be out in July 2009. This is Whitney’s story (Noah’s sister).
What's your favorite thing about FAMILY EVER AFTER?
How Cara sets out to help Noah and ends up being helped herself.
FAMILY EVER AFTER is published by Steeple Hill Love Inspired; why do you feel yourself drawn to writing inspirational stories?
It’s a natural for me. I have a strong faith, and I believe hope is paramount to us. Without hope, what do we really have? My faith gives me that hope. Also, I love exploring different aspects of human nature.
Other novels of yours are published through Love Inspired Suspense; how are you able to integrate the suspense genre into your inspirational stories?
Again, it’s a natural. I love to read romantic suspense and adventures. I love a good puzzle. What better place to have faith than in a story where you’re running for your life (or something similar). We tend to turn to our faith when our life gets tough.
Looking at your website, I noticed that in 2007, you published six books; how are you able to be so prolific, so dedicated in your writing?
I’m a workaholic and very organized. It took longer for two of the stories to be published than now because of the Love Inspired Suspense line opening and expanding. Normally I can write 4 books a year. Now that I’m retired from teaching (as of the end of December 2007), I might be able to step it up a little but not 6 books.
What have you done and what are you doing - as author - to help promote FAMILY EVER AFTER?
I have a web site I update monthly as well as a blog that is drawing some attention from readers. I love to interview different writers about their books. I have a drawing each week on my blog for my guest author’s book. I also participate in the Steeple Hill forums at eharlequin.com. I have spoken to several groups from a church to a writer’s conference.

What are three adjectives that best describe FAMILY EVER AFTER?
Faith, friends, and family
What are three adjectives that best describe YOU?
Faith, friend, and family
Talk to us about your journey to publication. Was it a difficult one?
I had been writing a few years when I sold my first book in the early 1980s. I have had my ups and downs like most writers. I went through an eight-year dry period where I didn’t sell after having sold 20 books. I have my share of rejections.
How do you spend your time when you're not writing?
I spend my time with my family and friends. I also love to read when I get the chance and go to lunch and a good movie with friends.
Margaret Daley: THE SOUNDTRACK! What three soundtracks emulate your life, and why?
Honestly, I’m not sure. I think of the musical Camelot only because right at the moment, I would love for it only to rain at night (gently of course), not during the day. Lately, we’ve gotten more than 13-14 inches more than normal. But seriously, Kismet because it is a beautiful, fun love story. Flashdance and Footloose because the music is for dancing and dancing is great for exercising.
What are three of your favorite books...and why?
Anything by James Rollins but my favorite of his is Amazonia because I love a good suspenseful adventure and books placed in a jungle. Also, I love Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park again because I love a good suspense/adventure. There are a lot of authors I will automatically read (some are Julie Garwood, Linda Howard, Tom Clancy {Jack Ryan books}, Julia Quinn, etc because there are many more).
Word Association. What comes to mind when you see the following words:
WRITING: Hard work
LOVE: My husband
MARGARET DALEY: A work in progress
What advice would you offer aspiring-to-be-published authors?
Keep writing and send your story out. If you don’t write, you won’t sell, and if you don’t send your story out, you’ll never sell.
What projects are you currently working on?
I’m finishing up Poisoned Secrets which is a Love Inspired Suspense for March 2009 and starting to think about my next book, the fourth book in Fostered by Love Series called Second Chance Family, out July 2009.
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