CLG: If you had to pick three adjectives to describe you, what would they be?
GS: Quirky, fun, and let's face it, shameless.
CLG: I am currently reading your book, AWAKEN ME DARKLY, and I have to say I THOROUGHLY enjoy it! I'm not a big reader of paranormal, sci-fi, futuristic works, but your book is definitely pulling me in. Out of all the genres to mix with romance, why did you choose this arena to write in?
GS: Without a doubt, the possibilities. I can do anything and everything, create any kind of creature or circumstance, make dreams come true in the wildest ways. There are just are so many avenues to explore.
CLG: What are your three guilty pleasures?
GS: I'm a book lover, so I spend massive amounts on books. I'm a food lover, so I spend massive amounts on Mexican, Chinese, Seafood, and dessert of any kind. And finally, email. I'm addicted to it.
CLG: You have a book coming out this month--HEART OF THE DRAGON. Give us the "25 words or less" pitch to race out and pick up the book!
GS: Enter a world of dragons, vampires, and demons, with a warrior hero sworn to kill the woman he's come to love.
CLG: What is the one thing that makes you feel the most feminine, and why?
GS: Dressing the part. Otherwise I just feel like the slob I am.
CLG: A three-parter: There is the "rule" that says writers should write EVERY DAY. Do you follow this rule? Do you have a writing schedule? Do you think "serious" writers should have schedules?
GS: I don't really keep a schedule. However, when I'm writing a rough draft I am obsessive about finishing it. I think each writer has to find the way that works best for them. Everyone is different, so the ways to unleash their creative spirit will be different, as well.
CLG: What's the first thing you would do if you won a million dollars?
GS: A new house, most likely, then I'd start writing checks for my favorite family members (read: those who are willing to suck up!).
CLG: What new work are you writing now?
GS: I'm finishing up my first young adult book, OH MY GOTH, about a Goth high school senior who craves individuality but finds herself in a FREAKY FRIDAY universe shift where everyone is Goth and she's just one of the crowd.
CLG: You have scrumptious, sexy men in all of your books. What makes a man sexy to you?
GS: Strength, a courageous spirit, self-assurance, confidence, and a willingness to die protecting his loved ones.
CLG: If you had three pieces of advice for the aspiring-to-be-PUBLISHED author, what would they be?
GS: Keep reading and keep writing -- you'll learn your craft through both. And never give up!
Visit Gena @ her website :: http://www.genashowalter.com!
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