Nikki has been writing since childhood and has always had a flare for telling stories. In June 2008, after being laid off from her job, she endeavored to pursue her lifelong passion, writing. In August 2008, she completed her first manuscript: Jade’s Diary.
In an effort to get published, Nikki sent her manuscript to several predominant publishing companies, but Jade’s Diary was rejected. However, Nikki took the rejection as a sign. Nikki along with her husband and mother created DiamondStone Productions. Jade’s Diary was sent into production, and the book took off like a California wildfire.
Nikki currently resides in Jacksonville, FL, with her husband. She is a proud graduate of the HBCU Shaw University where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. She also received her Master of Arts from East Tennessee State University in Public Relations.
Nikki is currently working on her second novel and other business ventures with her husband.
You can learn more about Nikki at MySpace and at DiamondStone Productions.

Jade's Diary is a tale of a dead woman's diary that is left to her daughter Mikleah. As Mikleah reads her mother's diary, she turns the pages of her mother's secret life that includes sex, lust, lies, betrayal, and vengeance.
Mikleah learns from her mother's diary of the father she never knew and of a long lost sibling. Jade's daughter also learns she has been having an incestuous relationship with the sister that she never knew and learns to what extent her mother would go through to get what she wanted-her lover's wife.
The diary exposes the many secrets of Jade's lovers, which leads to death and imprisonment.
Fill in the blank: "If you peek into JADE'S DIARY, you will find an adventure. Jade’s Diary is an adventure that will take you through a sex-filled ride with a splash of suspense."
You walk into a movie theater and there's a movie poster for JADE'S DIARY: SEX, LIES, LUST, BETRAYAL, VENGEANCE. What's the logline?
Unlock the Diary! What are your secrets? Remember, all secrets have consequences…
What are THREE adjectives that best describe JADE'S DIARY?
Hot, Sexy and Erotic
What are THREE adjectives that best describe YOU?
Funny, Smart and Sexy
What's your favorite thing about JADE'S DIARY?
The characters. I especially like how each of the characters are intertwined in an unexpected way.
How do you spend your time when you're not writing?
I work at my 9-5. I’m always thinking of a new story. I work on promoting Jade’s Diary. I look for new talented urban writers to join my publishing company DiamondStone Productions. I update my website. I’m always trying to keep in contact with my readers through e-mail, through my website, and facebook sites. I love spending time with my husband, family and friends.
NIKKI URBAN: THE SOUNDTRACK. What are three tracks that would HAVE to make it onto the soundtrack of your life?
There are so many songs that I could name to describe my life and who I am. But, if I had to have the ultimate soundtrack of my life the three tracks that I would choose would be: 1) I’m Every Woman by Chaka Khan because I am that every woman. I can do all things. 2) Tender Roni by Bobby Brown because once you meet me, you will never forget me, and I always make my father feel proud. 3) Hustlin' by Rick Ross because I’m always hustling until I make it to where I want to be.
You're strutting down the street - sexy, happy, and confident - what song is playing in your mind?
Hate on me by Jill Scott
Do you have a standard process to your writing? Are you an plotter or a pantser?
I’m not a conventional writer. I see a plot in my mind. I see the storyline and then I sit at my computer and start typing. The characters come to me as I am typing.
What are you doing to promote and market JADE'S DIARY?
I promote Jades’ Diary by word of mouth. I have connected with my local bookstores and key bookstores throughout the South East. I am currently in the process of having Jade’s Diary in these bookstores. I have a few book signings set up. I have an entrepreneurship workshop where I am the keynote speaker. I have been invited to several book clubs in my area. Lastly, I am planning an event for the Jade’s Diary’s official launch to the public in the fall of 09 in the ATL.
You are publishing JADE'S DIARY through Diamond Stone Productions. Talk to us about your role as a publisher; what have been some major things you've learned?
My husband and I started DiamondStone Productions because I was not getting picked up by any traditional black publishers. In the process of starting Diamondstone Productions, I have learned that as publisher you must be a good negotiator and you must be involved in every aspect of the book process (writing, editing, book design, etc.). In addition, you should always have an abundance of books on hand and various outlets where your book can be sold at. Lastly, have a good accounting program on your computer and have a good marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy is key to the success of your book and publishing company. Once your publishing company is out there, vendors, readers, and other wholesalers will be more willing to take a chance with you. Reputation is key!
What are three pieces of advice you would give to writers thinking about going into indie publishing?
Have a good proofreader, shop around at various book binding companies and compare prices, and have a good marketing strategy.
At the end of the day, what do you want readers to feel about you as a writer?
I want for you the reader to feel that Nikki’s story takes you through the lives of the characters. I want for you reader to feel the characters' emotions.
I want for the reader to wonder if they would have the nerve to do some of the same things that the characters have done. I want for you the reader to think you have read one of the best books that you've ever read.
What advice would you offer aspiring-to-be-published authors?
Have your money right! Believe in your work and its potential. Network with book clubs, bookstores, book distributors, etc. Tap into your connections through friends, family and social network outlets.
What projects are you currently working on?
I started on my next book. I THINK I’m going to title it Momma I’m a Thug.
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