In addition to being a certified speaker and trainer, a published writer, and a wine consultant, L. Denise Jackson is also the founder of The Professional Green Network, an affordable source to help you learn, live, and be green in your homes and businesses.
What is the mission of The Professional Green Network (PGN)?
Our mission is to educate, inform, support, and train those who want to learn about green, become more eco-friendly, and be a part of green opportunities economically and with commitment that respect the environment.
What was the spark in which you decided to take part in PGN?
Nearly 5 years ago, I began visiting a naturopath and through natural remedies and solutions, my health improved. Wanting to extend this into my overall lifestyle, I began researching products and matched them to my personality and natural talents to create a business. I have expanded my “retirement career” to even include products that I would sell to help people to be green.
What do you do as a part of PGN?
I founded PGN. So I take care of the business development, write articles, write and maintain website and class content, establish and maintain business relationships, look for places to showcase the network, connect with other green professionals, and anything else that is needed. I have a little help but not much. In the near future, our vision is to become the trusted network for people turn to for consultations, services, and international training resulting in quality services for consumers and professionals while sharing the truth about being green and preserving our planet.
I know that The Professional Green Network is pro-environment; how do you, in your life, promote being green?
I have been using home remedies and natural and organic products growing up. So when someone asks me about medicine, solutions, and the like, I normally given them as much of a green solution that I can and if I don’t know one, I will quickly look to find one.
You write articles on living a green life; for the person who has never been green, what are three simple things she can do TODAY to start living a green life?
On any given day without leaving the house, you can turn off lights and unplug items that are not needed, adjust the shades for light or not to heat and provide natural light or keep the house cool, and don’t let the water run while brushing your teach or washing dishes. Simple conversation, I know, but it helps the environment and your pocket.
What are some of the services that PGN offers?
As an international organization, we are designed to assist consumers, consultants, and business owners in beginning or expanding their "green" knowledge and/or business. PGN is dedicated to providing education, information, and certifications regarding green awareness, cleaning, living, and working environments.
We offer consulting, green assessments, education, articles, tips, speaking, products and business opportunities. Also coming are a greenpedia, preferred product lists, and events.
How can one become involved - as an employee or as a client - in PGN?
Let me start with addressing the future clients first. PGN has various programs for your self, home, office, and business to support your green growth. The quickest is our $25 Green Awareness training which is offered virtually and as part of larger training packages. If someone wants more depth, the Green Assessments are the way to go. We ask questions, analyze answers, and give direction and suggestions to make you and your life greener.
Our online certification is coming soon!
As far as employees, we will be looking for an assistant and researcher in the future. We have many independent and entrepreneurial opportunities for candidates to be a part of PGN on their own schedule, at their own pace.
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