I thought about the word undressed and the feelings that the word conjures for me. In my story "Tables Turned," my main character is conflicted about her two very different worlds. In one world, she stays clothed, is shy, doesn't really go for what she wants, but there is this inner burn inside of her to "undress," to reveal. And her other world allows her to "undress" in a myriad of ways and show parts of her--not just her body--that illustrate the facets of her mind, body, and heart.
What is your definition of SEXY?
My sistergirl, Embue, was right on the money when she said sexy is a state of mind. I don't think there is one definition for it. It is what it is, and you, personally, recognize it when you see it. There are particular songs, I talk about two songs in particular at my site [song one, song two], that epitomize sexy to me. There is that smile, that voice, that particular shading of a day that can conjure it, too. Sexy is one of those words I would hate to see placed in a box. It's too big and wonderful to be confined.

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