I've been a fan of Patricia Sargeant's since I interviewed her here in 2007; back then, I was digging her novel On Fire. For 2009, I am telling all romance fans to check out her June 2009 release, Sweet Deception.
You want a book description, you can head to Patricia's website and read one; you want to know why you should pre-order this book TODAY, keep reading!
I have read a lot of romance novels, and oftentimes, I get irritated at how "damsel-in-distress" the woman is or how - even when strong - she always manages to loosen her backbone when the man comes with his demanding, "I want you now" ways. I like both my male and female leads to be strong, yet vulnerable, and Sargeant handles this wonderfully in Sweet Deception. We have two strong, sexy characters, both struggling to deal with familial issues while trying to find and reconnect with themselves and ultimately with each other. We have humor - not your typical man-made comedy, but life comedy - those things that happen just from living and breathing and dealing with the world. We have yearning because each of these characters desperately want love and affection in their lives and as readers, we want them to receive it. And no sexy romance novel could be complete without sex, and Sargeant laces the novel with sensual scenes that will warm you and make you enjoy the novel all the more.
Those of you who are hard core romance fans and believe that romance novels have merit within the publishing industry, you'll have an added reason to buy the book, too; I won't tell you why - just to say that very early on in the novel, Sargeant places the characters in a situation that will hearken many a YAY FOR ROMANCE cry!
Sweet Deception hits shelves in June; however, you can pre-order your copy TODAY by clicking the cover above!
Although I do think it has merit, I'm not a great fan of the romance genre anymore--for the reasons you mentioned. I'm looking forward to reading Patricia Sargeant's book in hopes that I can once again cheer for romance.
Hey there, Shari; every once in a while, one comes along that goes beyond the formula. Have to read through many that don't to get to it.
Hi, Shari.
Thank you so much for posting a comment and being willing to take the time to read Sweet Deception. I know time is precious, and I appreciate yours. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you enjoy the story. :)
Thanks again!
Patricia Sargeant
Hey there, Chick Lit Gurrl!
I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to stop by and give you a shout out on your blog. I'm having trouble with my current manuscript and have completely lost track of time. I'm so sorry.
Thank you again for going to the time and trouble to review Sweet Deception. I really appreciate it.
All the best always!
Patricia Sargeant
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