Thursday, January 08, 2009

Got Unpublished Romance Novel? Check Out This Contest!

If you have an unpublished romance novel or novel with a romantic theme, then get it out and dust it off because...


Author Leigh Michaels [link] and Rachelle Chase [link] are co-sponsoring the third "Chase the Dream" contest for writers. Details on how to enter can be found at; however, here are the highlights:

SUBMISSIONS: The first 1,000 words of an unpublished romance novel/novella or novel/novella with a romantic theme.

JUDGING: Each week, Rachelle Chase will choose one finalist and post the entry on the web site. Then, at the end of the contest, agents and editors will post comments, and readers will vote for their favorites to determine the top three winners. Each week, Leigh will also choose one entry to win a mini-critique, which will also be posted on the web site.

PRIZES: There are fantastic prizes for winners and entrants [link] alike. In addition, editors and agents [link] will read all the finalist entries. While there are no guarantees, last year, all the finalists received requests from editors and agents, some of which resulted in book sales.

DEADLINE: Submit from December 1, 2008 to March 3, 2009

NEW FOR 2009: You can now get advice from the agents/editors on what they look for in the first 1,000 words. Click here to listen to what the agents/editors have to say: [link]

It's *FREE* to enter! Check the site for rules, last year's winners, and more.

Enter today at!

And, speaking of contests, enter to WIN AN iPOD SHUFFLE at:!

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