J.C. Martin - "Lay In It" - (short story) - On his ten-year wedding anniversary, Byron rushes home to create a night of romance and love for his wife, but little does he know that she's on to him and all his ways; story's motto should be - Be careful WHAT you do...
Byron had rushed home from work today, because he and Melinda, his wife, were celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary. He knew they had been through some stuff, but was very happy they’d weathered the storm and could celebrate another year.
Byron had gotten home before Melinda, so he took the opportunity to start getting the house ready for a joyous night. They had already planned for the twins to stay over at Patsy’s house, Melinda’s older sister, for the night.
He set the table and placed the candles, so the shadows would be cast on Melinda’s beautiful face. Melinda had hazel eyes, and long flowing curly hair. She was not fat, but she was a little on the more to love side, and that’s part of what he loved so much about her.
Anthony Anderson - "They Ain’t All Like That Down South" - (short story) - What starts out as a normal family road trip to begin a vacation ends in a horrific display of "Southern Hospitality".
“Mm, where are we?” Sandy said sleepily.
“Some town off the Interstate. Figure I try to find a place to get a real tire. Failing that, we could all use something to eat, anyway.” Carter was now pulling the car into the driveway of a fairly large convenience store. The only other vehicles in the parking lot were three pickups and a pair of motorcycles. A Greyhound bus bound for Dallas was pulling out and away from them.
“Um, I don’t know,” Sandy said, sounding a little more awake now. Carter had already parked and was now getting out of the car. “This looks a little...out of the way.”
“Not too far out. They got Arby’s and KFC down the road from here, so it’s not like we’re away from civilization.”
“I mean, Carter, is that we’re way out in the boondocks.” She eyed the pickup truck with the rebel flag decal and the gun rack on the back. “I’m just worried about us, that’s all.”
T. L. Davis - Woman2Woman: What We Do Wrong in Dating - (book excerpt) - Author T. L. Davis brings us chapter one of her book, WOMAN2WOMAN as she discusses the importance of RESPECT when dating!
In this world of dating we are all after the same thing. One man that we could call our OWN! However, in this dog eat dog world, those principles are often dreamt about but never realized. Not because they are impossible, but because outside sources, namely other women get in the way of that becoming reality. One thing I have noticed and especially in this day in time, a man does not have to lie about his relationship status in order for him to get new booty. In fact, most attached men seem to be the prime target for unscrupulous women. This is the type of harlot who has low self-esteem or just plain and simply does not give a damn about anyone but themselves. This type of woman preys on married engaged or otherwise committed men.
Robert Morgan - "School Clothes" - (short story) - a stirring story about a seemingly simple family trip to buy school clothes that reveals so much more about the family.
The warmth of the bed seemed to soothe his every muscle. The night had been a hot one. His mother opened one of the windows to cool the room. The August heat soon became bearable. He fell asleep listening to the crickets gossip. As the night grew cooler, he retreated to the confines of the quilt his grandmother knitted for his eighth birthday. The sun woke him early. He lazily turned his head to flee the dawn of a new day. He could hear Otis Redding blaring from the hi-fi as he sang about missing his water. His mother was busy getting his sisters ready.
“Get up baby, brush your teeth and wash your face. Hurry up, or we gone be late.”
His mother had been talking all week about buying school clothes, and the moment had finally arrived. He felt embarrassed to still be wearing his clothes from last year. He did not think anyone made fun of him. It might have been his size that deterred the would-be mockers.
Ayanna Pierce - IN SESSION: Tales of Dr. Gwendolyn Kast - (excerpt) - Warning - explicit language - Dr. Gwendolyn Kast is a therapist with kinky ways. Sometimes, her libido finds her spread eagle on her desk; sometimes, it finds her lightly spanking a client to break him from his dominant position - see what she does in this first episode!
But then four months ago, Clarissa walked into my office, and I not only looked into her face, but I took notice of her full curves, of the way her heavy breasts pressed lovingly against her blouses. The more she talked, the more I knew – with all certainty – why her husband had stopped providing her with sex: she wanted to become independent. He married a woman with a high school diploma who had grown up believing that her main role was to satisfy her man and have babies. In their five years of marriage, there were no children, which meant Clarissa could dole all of her attention to her husband. He loved that. What he didn’t love was Clarissa deciding she needed a life, too. He loathed the fact that she applied and got into the local university and began to pursue a degree in nursing. He despised the idea that she would have thoughts that didn’t revolve around him and how she could satisfy him.
Every time she talked of him – which was all the time – I had to squelch my need to find him and beat the living shit out of him. Every woman deserved a place in the world, or as my girl Virginia Woolf proclaimed, a room of her own. Clarissa’s room was education. I think that was the initial kernel that made my panties wet. Education, for me, is sexy.
Drenched described my panties when Clarissa told me last week that she had, shamefully, began chatting online with people in a sexual manner to make up for the lack of wifely duties.
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