Rae Winters is a native New Yorker and her love of romance books started at the age of ten. Many days she was locked up in the bathroom reading a book, instead of doing her chores. Rae Winters, pseudonym for D. F. Mitchell has published book reviews, short stories, and sensual poems for Dorchester Media. Her work has appeared in True Confessions, Jive, Black Confession, Black Romance, and Bronze Thrill magazines.
She studied the craft of writing at the Frederick Douglas Creative Arts Center. She also studied Fiction and Mystery writing through an on-line distance learning program. She continues to study her craft at every available opportunity. She’s currently working on several short stories including her first romance novel, and she can be reached at DFMitchell138@aol.com.

The first in Winters' Girlfriend’s Series, Unfinished Business is the story of Sydney Harris who is ten days from walking down the aisle when her fiancĂ©, Lance Edwards, develops cold feet. He skips town taking a transfer to the Washington, D.C. office. She's devastated, but sometimes trouble is a blessing in disguise.
Two years ago, Sydney dropped handsome Phoenix Sanders, a construction worker. She believed she'd been wasting her time with him, and he wasn't serious about marriage. But when she proposes a marriage of convenience she will find out just how wrong she'd been.
Unfinished Business as well as Undeniable are available at Lady Leo Publishing.
Nix came to the door, towel draped against his sculptured body, moisture from his recent shower dripping down his chest. He looked good enough to eat. My fantasy from yesterday’s business meeting came back in real time, as I stood there mesmerized by his body.
“Sydney, what are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you, Nix.”
“Make this quick, I’ve got an early call tomorrow morning,” he said, opening the door wide enough for me to pass through.
My nose honed in on his after-shower-scent and I found myself wishing to join him in the shower as we had done many times before: showering, making love, and then showering again.
“This is a beautiful house, Nix. You just moved in?” I asked. We were surrounded by unopened boxes.
“Yeah, I moved in on Saturday.”
“May I see the house, Nix?”
He didn’t answer me, but he did shake his head which I took as a “yes.” I went exploring. The basement level was unfinished, and the main floor had a spacious kitchen, formal dining room, and a huge living room. Eagerly, I climbed the stairs to the second level, and found three bedrooms. Two of them were big enough for a nursery and a combination library-study.
I walked into his master bedroom—which was the largest of the three bedrooms. It was elegantly furnished, and the walls had crown molding.
“Is this your work? I like what you’re doing to it, celery green wall paint, and my favorite is the French doors. Where does that door lead to?”
“Sydney, did you come here to talk, or to see my new home?”
I could hear the annoyance in Nix’s voice.
“I’m sorry. You know my passion for decorating a room. I think if you put the sleigh bed against the right wall, and not the left, it will give you even more space.”
“I’m a foreman now, and I have to be in Staten Island at five A. M., so say whatever you have to say, now!”
Nix was now standing in front of me; his sherry-chocolate eyes smothered me, and stopped me in my track. I slowly backed away from him, feeling sexually threatened. He smelled so good, his chest glistened, and I wanted—no needed to touch him. I fought my inward desires, because I was wet with need, and I needed to talk to him…
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