Here are some of the highlights you definitely want to come and read:

With our reader-favorite column this issue, we interview debut novelist Karamel Brown and hot urban novelist, Y. Blak Moore!

In The Role of Psycho-Social Development in the Inferiorization Process, Matthew discusses the various stages of social development and how important it is for African American children to taught and brought through the process.

NEW TO TNC!!! Award-winning author and entrepreneur, Dedan Tolbert comes to TNC LIVE with his sex, dating, and relationship column, ASK DEDAN! Check out the second column where Dedan offers advice to a woman who can't seem to get her ex out of her system, despite the fact that both she and her ex are in new relationships.

In Barbie Manipulation, Stacey tackles Barbie, breasts, and society in a strong essay that promotes her latest endeavor: GOT BREAST? - a documentary!

We have EIGHT awesome book excerpts and short stories @ NUBIAN belles-lettres this issue, to include works from long-time TNC contributor, Emma Wisdom, Maryam Diaab, Lutishia Lovely, and Karen E. Quinones Miller.

In her latest THE WRITE LIFE article, Shon Bacon talks about DEVELOPING SCENES!
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