What are the latest happenings in your writerly world?
Sadly, although I have finished a couple of manuscripts since selling my first book --
Sadly, although I have finished a couple of manuscripts since selling my first book --

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-- the most recent being a chick lit/mystery for which I had offers from 3 agents, that book ultimately didn't sell (at at least not yet :) My current WIP is women's fiction, or what my agent calls chick lit 2.0.
What's one thing you've learned about the writing industry over the last year?
Selling the second book is even harder than selling the first book! Also, in terms of promotion, there's only so much you can do on your own if your publisher isn't pushing, too (and by that I mean buying you front table or end cap placement). Sorry to be such a downer. I'm still writing and still have hopes for my writing career, but I really thought (and I think others may think this, too) that after selling the first book, it would get at least a little bit easier. Unfortunately, at least for me, that hasn't been the case. Ce la vie.
What's one thing you've learned about the writing industry over the last year?
Selling the second book is even harder than selling the first book! Also, in terms of promotion, there's only so much you can do on your own if your publisher isn't pushing, too (and by that I mean buying you front table or end cap placement). Sorry to be such a downer. I'm still writing and still have hopes for my writing career, but I really thought (and I think others may think this, too) that after selling the first book, it would get at least a little bit easier. Unfortunately, at least for me, that hasn't been the case. Ce la vie.
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