Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Unbeweaveable Katrina Spencer, Author

The Author

Katrina Spencer is the author of Six O’clock and lives in Texas with her husband and daughter. She readily admits that if she was trapped on a desert island, the three things she couldn’t live without are her family, her bible, and her hair weave. Learn more about her at and stop by her blog, Curl Up and Write, where she dishes about writing, hair and more. You can also follow her on Twitter and friend her on Facebook to catch more of her funny observations on the writing life.

The Book

Mariah "Weavy Wonder" Stevens doesn't take no for an answer. Her take charge, tough-as-nails exterior has helped her become Book Review Editor at Spirit Magazine—no small feat considering she's only 29. She lives in a stunning apartment in Manhattan, her clothes are ripped straight from the runways, and her manicured nails are never chipped. Life is good.

Her secret weapon? Her long, glorious weave, which she's been wearing since she was 16. It's her power, her strength, and she's completely addicted to it. She can't even remember what her real hair looks like.

In a sudden move, Spirit Magazine folds, and for the first time in her life, Mariah's left asking, “What's next?” With her savings dwindling, she's forced to remove her weave and make the call that she hasn't made in years—the call home.

Now Mariah is back home in Houston, living with her well-to-do biracial sister and light skinned mother, both who are blessed with hair long enough to sleep in. Mariah has always stuck out like a sore thumb, and is constantly reminded of such with her dark skin and kinky short hair.

Living in Houston has Mariah facing her old demons and without the support of her weave she's losing her most important asset: her confidence. When she discovers a family secret, it opens the doors to her past and threatens to break her already fragile world apart. With her sister by her side, Mariah is determined to learn the truth.

Unbeweaveable is about Mariah's quest to confront questions of love, loyalty, and family to find her way back home.

Click the cover above to order YOUR copy of Unbeweaveable today!

The Interview

Why should we read Unbeweaveable?
Because you’ll open the book and think it’s ‘just about hair’ and see that it touches on so many other issues—the prejudices within our own race, the power of forgiveness, and the importance of family. But above all else? It’s a great story and an entertaining read.

What called you to write Unbeweaveable?
Let’s face it, hair weave is a part of our culture. Even if you don’t wear it, you have to admit the impact it’s made in women’s lives—black and white alike. When I was a hairstylist, I specialized in weave, so I wore it a lot—my hair was a form of advertising. When I stopped doing hair, I didn’t wear my weave as much, and I felt a vast difference in my confidence when I wasn’t wearing the weave. I had to give myself pep talks, reminding myself that I was beautiful—with or without the weave. It got me thinking, “With so many women wearing weave, what would happen to a woman’s confidence if she wore weave all the time?” Then the idea for Unbeweaveable was born.

I think a lot of women can identify with Unbeweaveable’s main character, Mariah—a strong woman who loses her way when she places her faith and self-confidence—misguidingly—in a material object, only to have that object taken away, leaving her very foundation crumbled. What reactions have you received from women who have read Unbeweaveable?
I have received so many POSITIVE emails from my readers; it astounds me how this book have affected people. That’s one of the perks of being a writer, hearing from your readers and knowing that something you create touches them. Several people told me that the title was so zany that they expected the book to be fluff. They were surprised about the deep issues the book touched on. I was so glad that people got the message of the book—that loving yourself is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Fill in the statement: Hair is to Mariah as AIR is to Katrina.

Word Association: Think fast: What’s the first thought that comes to you when you read the following words:
Writing: My passion
Love: My family
Family: My lifeline
Katrina Spencer: Wife, mother and loyal friend

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In 3, 2, 1... Talking with Author Ashley Lounds-Brooks

The Author

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Ashley Lounds-Brooks is also known as Brook S. Lounds in the entertainment industry. She is the founder of a nonprofit organization for women entitled [CLASSIC Inc.], which serves 'the vehicle for women empowerment' since 2007. It is her overall goal to help women better themselves in every area of their life.

To learn more about Ashley, you can check her out on Twitter and Facebook.

The Book

Single, Satisfied, and Saved was specifically written to help women grow as virtuous women in the body of Christ by looking at, first and foremost, one’s self. The book features practical Christian principles to discover one's innermost strength, talent, skill and strategies. What makes this book stands out from other self-help books is that Ashley provides the reality of the Christian walk- “some days you don’t feel like being saved!” She doesn’t just give you a list of do’s and don’ts but helps the reader to realize and understand the reasoning behind it all.

Click the cover above to order YOUR copy of Single, Satisfied, and Saved today!

CLG Review of Single, Satisfied, and Saved

4 out of 5 Latte Rating

"Good Conversational Style for a Worthwhile Message"

Sometimes, the only way you can get people to understand something is to get in their face, be personal, be truthful, and be real, and Ashley Lounds-Brooks tries to do just that in her book, Single, Satisfied, and Saved. Lounds-Brooks uses her own experiences and "sistergirl" conversation to deliver her messages on being single (the negative perceptions and positive aspects), satisfied (in all ways, from physically to spiritually), and saved (from the excuses we give to the misconceptions about Christianity). But the book isn't just about Lounds-Brooks' opinions on the issue. Throughout the book, there are study lessons and exercises for the reader to do. These sections are my favorite parts of the book because it can be easy to feel scolded if you're single and not satisfied or not saved, but these lessons give readers the opportunities to reflect on what's been read and to see how they can make changes in their lives to become wonderful, virtuous women. I think women, particularly young women, could get a lot of this book. It's obvious that Lounds-Brooks is passionate about this topic and about those who might be reached from her message.

In 3, 2, 1...

What are the three most important points you want readers to come away with from reading your book?
I want readers to finish the book with a changed mindset and outlook on life. I want them to know that it's ok to be single. There is nothing wrong with being single and to love yourself first and foremost. Most importantly I want readers to know that no matter what they have done it is not too late to change because God is a forgiving God.

What are two things you can't live without as a writer?
"Me time" to gather my thoughts and ideas and hmmm a latte from Seattle's Best for those long nights!

What is one thing you're doing to promote your book?
Besides the normal of telling everyone, I am giving my readers the opportunity to be involved in the book with a "Single, Satisfied, and Saved" experience. I don't want this to be another book they read but a lifestyle. I want to promote my book with "girls' night out" themed events.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Advice for Writers from Writers

Check out my latest Writing in 140 blog post at the Blood-Red Pencil today where I give writers advice...from other writers I've interviewed over the years. Share YOUR OWN words of wisdom with the readers, too!

The Blood-Red Pencil

Sharp and pointed observations about good writing